Well maybe a bit. It's unlikely I'll cut to the chase straight away.
Telling people that know me that I've been diagnosed with ADHD has been more frustrating that I had imagined it would be. If I'd had a pound for every comment that went along the lines of, 'Oh, but I'm forgetful myself' or 'I daydream' or 'I rarely finish anything', then I'd have a whole bunch of empty spaces where I thought I'd stashed my pile of pound coins but hadn't.
My response to those people was as polite as ever (those that know me will know I'm a fine example of good etiquette...), but what I would really like for them to do is spend a day in my head.
This isn't possible, or if it were, I wouldn't recommend it anyway. So, the purpose of this blog, among other things, is a way of trying to raise some awareness of what it's like to be an ADHDer.
Since my diagnosis and starting medication, I have tried to think about the funny side of ADHD, as that's a pretty good coping mechanism now that I know what I'm dealing with. It's a fairly serious and life altering thing for all of us affected though, especially for ADHD children and their parents, but the more people understand it, the easier it becomes to support those who live in its turmoil.
For those folk with ADHD who are reading this, well let's just say that I need to keep it as lively as possible and reasonably succinct, otherwise they'll zone out. This is where my blog becomes a thing of fantastic paradoxical value. I have to write to maintain interest whilst reeling in my incessant psychobabble. That should be an interesting job.
So anyhow, the rest of my little page will be a bunch of offerings over a period of time (maybe a week- maybe forever) which all relate to ADHD past and present.
They will be at random as they come into my head. Some of them will never get finished, some will not get written at all and others will take days to write and completely replace any other task or responsibility in my life.
This is because everything in my head starts out as a multiple pile up of thoughts that form a massive accident. There will be some fatalities and many injuries, but the lucky ones will be the ones that prise themselves away from the brain chaos in a bid for survival and get to tell their story on this page. Those will be the strongest thoughts; the ones that matter.
They will all be useful in some way, shape or form. Maybe a little bit to you and maybe a lot to the next person who reads them, but certainly, my writings will be very, very useful to me as I embark on a positive way to express my frustrations.
Stick with me...I have good intentions.
All persons appearing in this work are likely to be you if it sounds like you. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is absolutely intentional. Names will be changed to protect identity, to something very silly indeed. However I'll always be kind...
I know you won't mind. ;-)
Thanks for sharing this Em, it was a really good read and I look forward to reading more posts from you x